October 22, 2022

Slow work in progress...

Been a while since my last post - October is a very busy time of year for me, so painting slows to a glacial pace. I still manage to get at least a little bit of paint on most evenings, but it takes much longer than normal to complete a batch of figures this time of year.

The current focus is on French 'heavy' infantry, and as I said in a previous post it will be some time before this results in finished units. I'm approaching it in a slightly different way to normal, as I haven't yet decided how I'm going to group and base them. So I'm just converting and painting up a random batch of figures which I plan to use in the unit(s), and will decide how to group and base them when they are all done!

Therefore I thought it would be worth sharing some 'work in progress' posts along the way.

Here's the current rather small number of finished figures. Almost all of them are converted in some way or another, and not all of them are Perry Miniatures.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

These are both Perry metals, the captain on the right has had a headswap.

This is a Perry plastic with a Steel Fist head, from their Italian Wars light cavalry packs.

This conversion (using the same Perry plastic body as the last one) has had nice riding boots and mail under his brigandine sculpted with green stuff. His arms are also made from various different plastic parts.

These three are Perry metals and have had new clothing layers sculpted on. All three have been given livery jackets, and the mail shirt and padded jack of the two on the left are also new additions (previously they were wearing just plain doublets, ideal for sculpting new layers on to). The two on the right have new heads from Wargames Foundry.

And here's an example of mixing different manufacturers together. On the left is a Perry metal (with a Wargames Foundry headswap), in the middle is Front Rank (with the oversized halberd head replaced by a better scaled plastic Perry glaive) and on the right is Grenadier (again with his oversized weapon removed and replaced, this time by a Front Rank pollaxe). I'm not a fan of the whole Front Rank and Genadier ranges, but have found certain individual sculpts I like from both.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the clean palette and painting style. Excellent stuff.
