 The War of the Burgundian Succession

March 15, 2025

Building terrain boards - Part Three

A little update on the terrain board project.

I've now got eight boards finished, which gives an 4' by 8' table - big enough for a game!

As you can see there are various winding paths, some fields, and some fences and trees which are fixed permanently to these boards. I've made some good plans for storage which will mean I don't need to be afraid to do boards with fixed features, I'll be able to store them - more on that when it happens!

Now there are actually only one or two ways this current set of boards can be fitted together so that the paths all meet up (assuming I'm wanting to use all eight). However, as SOON as I get some more done, the combinations will increase massively which each new board, as of course I won't need to use every one of them each time. And I can also set them up with some paths having 'dead ends', by simply having them lead up to one of my building bases.

The next stage will probably be four new river/stream boards, and one or two with villages/farms. Plus a wider road.

And here's a pic of the same setup, with added trees, hedges and buildings to fill it out.

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