May 21, 2024

Back to work

Ok, it's been a few months since the last post. I was too busy to get much done for most of March and April, but I've been getting back into it. It will still be a while before there's another completed unit, but I thought I'd share some of the things on the workbench right now.

The goal this year is still to focus on infantry... lots of infantry. Who knows how many of the units I'm working on concurrently will get done, we'll have to see!

Here's three French infantrymen, all using the sculpts I commissioned from Yannis of Talos Miniatures (see his instagram here). The bodies (and arms) are from him, the weapons and heads are from a variety of different sources. I'm particularly pleased with the drab colours on the left-hand halberdier.

To remind you, Yannis has sculpted lots of great 15th century stuff over the last couple of years, both for himself and for private commissions (not just me), some of which are available now from Steel Fist Miniatures in their late medieval range. Also, Steel Fist has released some excellent Swiss halberdiers/pikemen from a different sculptor - that's where the halberd and head on the far right came from.

Here's another three infantrymen. The far left is a Talos / Steel Fist body with Perry head and arms, the middle one is from Eureka Miniatures, and the right-hand one if a fully plastic Perry construct. I did use some green stuff to convert the tabard sleeves to short coat sleeves, to better suit the body they are paired with.

And these three soldiers at-ease are all Perry metals from the same pack, though one has been converted into a crossbowman and been given a bare head.

Next is a couple of crossbowmen, using Talos / Steel Fist bodies, plastic Perry arms and Steel Fist swiss heads. They are still work in progress.

And finally a resin and plastic combo - this is one of the commissioned polearm troops from Yannis, who has been given new arms so he now holds a sword and buckler. 

And there's good news - I commissioned another set of figures from Yannis in collaboration with someone else, and they arrived yesterday. I'll do another post showing what I've built from them later this week. For now here's a pic of the 'greens' from Yannis' workbench.

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