March 21, 2022


I had a question about the flags on my pike units.

I made them myself digitally and printed them on paper at 30mm square.

The one exception is the semi-circular one with the Burgundian flint and sparks, which came from the apparently now defunct Krigsspil site, which has lots of great medieval and renaissances flags available for free, including many interesting Burgundian flags. Fortunately you can still access it through the magical Wayback Machine - click on 'Download', then 'Medieval & Renaissance' and you'll find the fla g in question under 'Burgundian Infantry flags from Grandson'.

And here is a sheet I put together of my own flags - one French cross and two Burgundian saltires. This image is supposed to be scaled as an A4 sheet of paper, hopefully it will print that way easily?


  1. Thank you! Did you use regular paper, something like 80 g?

    1. It's 100gsm, whatever that means. Just the higher end printer paper is all.

    2. Cool, thanks. The missus is an architect so I tend to speak about paper in kind of pedantic ways :D

    3. By the way, it means "grams per square metre".

  2. Hi there, the flag sheet you've put together looks fantastic. I've tried making my own, but couldn't get the folds looking so good. How did you add those, have you got a transparent shaded layer you add over the top or something? Many thanks john

    1. Hi John, yes the folds are from adding a shaded layer. I use GIMP, which is a free photoshop equivalent. I very much am learning as I go with it. I am thinking I might write up a guide to making flags sometime, if there is enough interest?

    2. oh definitely interested in that - would you mind sharing that shaded layer if that's possible? I have Photoshop for work, so I'm sure I could import it.
      thanks very much
